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<page pageid="5" ns="0" title="Stone">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">'''Stone''' is one of the eight goddesses in the [[Mythology|mytholology of Webbcomic]]. She is the goddess of earth and rules over soil, mountains, caves, and all burrowing creatures. She also oversees the [[Eight Paths|Path of Labor]].
== Notes ==
*Stone is generally considered the third most powerful of the goddesses, but also the most detached from her fellow goddesses. Because she prefers to remain out of quarrels, her power is often underestimated by both deity and human alike.
*Although she is the Goddess of Earth, she is associated more with the physical aspect, than of the connotations and extension of this power.
*When invoking Stone, priestesses often use her full name, ''Stone Gaia Terratia''.</rev>
<page pageid="4" ns="0" title="Tide">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">'''Tide''' is one of the eight goddesses in the [[Mythology|mytholology of Webbcomic]]. She is the goddess of water and holds dominion over the sea and all creatures that reside in it. She oversees the Path of Art.
== Notes ==
*Tide is generally considered the most second most powerful of the goddesses, and also the most mercurial. She is often vain and envious of Gale's position and is known to become angry at a moment's notice. Yet she can be also be very gentle, giving, and graceful. Thus an artist who exhibits signs of mania is considered to have '''tidal temperament'''.
*When invoking Tide, priestesses often use her full name, ''Tide Aqua Marinia.''</rev>